
The Veil

She guards the soundwaves, keeping a Wyld and watchful eye on those who cross between realms. Gatekeeping the realms that exist between digital frequency and live soundscapes She draws her sword at those who dare disrespect the medicine and bestows a gift, upon those who work to keep the dreaming alive. So, which dream will you dream with the Song W!tch, to receive your special gift. I have attached unlockable content which detiails the smart contract and what comes with the NFT.

This collection aims to guide you to the sweet space where the sensual and the wyrd collide. These artistic infusions spark a transmission to be decoded by those who are brave enough to tempt their curiosity.

Sacred Edge is an Australian based gallery, as well as shamanic healing traditions and spiritually themed art forms. The goal is too raise Australia’s collective vibration by giving our sacred artists and artisans a larger platform and reach more people. All contributors live in the multi-culturally rich nation of Australia, and regardless of race or creed - we have split our contributors into the 58 major indigenous language groups of our original owners. We honour our sacred lineage to the aboriginals of Australia in this distinct way, by telling their story. Each language group had its own social rules, culture, and practices. As best we can we will try and keep these unique distinctions alive. Sacred Edge is an Australian based gallery, as well as shamanic healing traditions and spiritually themed art forms. The goal is too raise Australia’s collective vibration by giving our sacred artists and artisans a larger platform and reach more people. All contributors live in the multi-culturally rich nation of Australia, and regardless of race or creed - we have split our contributors into the 58 major indigenous language groups of our original owners. We honour our sacred lineage to the aboriginals of Australia in this distinct way, by telling their story. Each language group had its own social rules, culture, and practices. As best we can we will try and keep these unique distinctions alive. 

Token Id : 9

The Veil

Quantity : 1
Current Price : 0.89 BNB (A$936.78)

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